Tuesday, June 26, 2007


  1. the sony mp3 player which is ue for running one~ Splash Proof 1GB Flash Based MP3 Player or ZEN Stone Plus(Blue or mMm...Orange or Black...)
  2. Sony playstation3!!!! wahh
  3. Nintendo Wii!!! wahhh again
  4. Xbox 360!!! wahhh again again
  5. Crampler Messagner Bag~
  6. Tons of voucher(frm cloths to shoes to electronics stuffs~ yeah)
lol updates to wish list no.5 should be Crumpler lol not crampler~ i guess yeah cramp too much liao. anyway been since a long time I have such "massive" muscle cramps. maybe i shld add 4 more to the list to make it 10 haha..MMMmmmmm...... 7. Electric Guitar 8. to be togather with Amp lol 9. Someone to keep my cash in control(apart frm my mum lar)~ hahah e.g. a girlfriend! 10. (save for updates) LOL

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