Thursday, May 28, 2009

Year 3 life is hectic. tons of never ending project assignments tutorials reports. they just keep coming in one after another. E-quizes, class tests one after another as well. I really miss those yr 1 and 2 days of "slacking". My current class is so small that well, we don't even need a lecture hall to have lecture. All have been conducted at tutorial rooms. Miss those lecture hall as well. Well, all this aside the modules now are fun! Anatonomy and Physiology especially! Just came back from KL opens. Really another expericnce of a life time. Didn't really play well on the 2nd days throws are everywhere. Crack is guess is the word to describe it. The monent I see my throws buang tt's it. I know its the end of my turn and be ready to cheer at the sidelines.
The Fun part of yr3 =)
latest creation =)
My buddies that makes me smile when I'm down Been a long time since that emo songs make me emo haha

Sunday, May 03, 2009

As promised wad has happened.....

Taiwan trip photos
Try doing it blind folded!
River tracing was sure fun and COLD!
Days up in the mountain!
Recent home cooked meal
Today's production Smiling Cappuccino